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Showing posts from November, 2011

Albarracin - the Holy Land

This weekend we paid homage to " the Holy Land " of Albarracin. The Bouldering mecca of Spain, situated near Teruel in Aragon, just 2hrs drive from Valencia. What a change this place has seen in such a short time, to be fair it was a holiday weekend so naturally more people than normal but even so all the car parks were rammed to capacity and every sector full of people. The sensitivity of this nature reserve is ever more prominent, the great works of and their recent clean up operations at the end of last season have helped ensure further closures are prevented. The current guidelines for anyone thinking of going are detailed here: These guidelines are all fair and based on responsible behaviour, respect and agreements with the land owners. It was sad to see in the space of a few hours I'd witnessed nearly all these been broken by ...